The past years have definitely been a challenge for all people because of COVID-19. Its impact was not only felt in businesses and schools, but also in churches. As a church, our objective is to make followers of Christ, like other churches. But in circumstances like these it could be difficult to exercise, cultivate and grow our faith. Our magazine is an initiative that we have taken to reach out to more people, encouraging the growth of their faith.
“Make disciples of all nations,” Jesus said, “baptising them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). And we know that growth comes from God, not from us (1 Corinthians 3:7). However, we aren’t seeing a lot of growth these days. The number of people that attend churches has decreased all over COVID affected places, especially because many churches have now had to stream online. It’s possible that the actual figure is higher than what we may think. This now leaves us with the issue of many people becoming discouraged in their faith. What exactly is the root of this issue? We are aware that we are not ashamed of our faith (Matthew 10:32-33). Without a doubt, we share our savior’s desire to seek out and save the lost (Luke 19:10).
One key way to boost each other’s faith is by listening to what our peers and other people think and what they have learned through their journey in faith, lessons they have learned, and stories of faith. Specifically in this edition of our magazine, our church members have shared lessons and stories as food for our faith, writing about the cross and salvation it has won us through Jesus Christ.
We recognise that we live in a difficult time for organised religion in Australia, especially in this time of doubt and uncertainty. In this regard, we work to make sure that Christian churches and their members are far from alone through the publications of our magazines and the streaming of our church services. But we serve a powerful God who “rewards those who seek him earnestly.” And now, with the easing of restrictions, through God’s grace, we are back on track to doing our duty as disciple-makers for our one true God and once again return in creating a Godly community of Christians.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, brothers and sisters,
-Lemuel Edwardraj Melchi